Network Time is a control panel program that sets the clock on your Macintosh® computer to the correct time of day. To do this, Network Time contacts a time server using the Apple® MacTCP® network software to get the correct time of day. Network Time automatically adjusts your clock taking into consideration the time zone and the daylight savings time rules that you configure using the Network Time control panel.
Network Time requires at least a Macintosh Plus computer running system software version 6.0.5 or later (including System 7™) and requires MacTCP version 1.1 or later. Network Time has full Balloon Help™ support. Foreign language versions of Network Time are available separately; the versions that are now either available or in progress are Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Japanese, Russian, Spanish, and Swedish.
This package contains a QuickStart manual with basic instructions in TeachText format and the full Network Time manual is provided in MacWrite® Pro format. The manual is also available in PostScript® format in a separate archive, and a printed copy of the manual can be obtained from the author.
Network Time is a shareware program. Please send US$5 per copy or US$100 per 100 copies of Network Time, and US$5 per printed manual (along with any questions or comments) to:
Pete Resnick
1009 North Busey Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
Purchase orders for large quantities are also accepted.
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